11.19.23 PROPAGATION STATION WORKSHOP @ YELO APLE $20 Saturday November 19Th 2023 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

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Join us on Saturday November 19Th 2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM for our Propagation Station Workshop.

What is propagation? Propagation is the breeding of specimens of a plant by natural processes from the parent stock. Basically multiplying your plant! WHO DOESN’T WANT MORE PLANTS!?

During this workshop, you will walk away with three mason jars filled with your propagations / cutting.

We will have plants available for you to cut and propagate. You are also able to bring your own plants. *SO LONG AS THEY ARE CLEAN, HEALTHY AND PEST FREE*

1. Water propagation - You can root your plants in any type of water. Tap, distilled, spring water or even rain water works just fine, as long as it is the correct temperature.

2. Leca propagation - Leca and/or Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. A good alternative to just water. The pebbles will stabilize the plant, deliver more oxygen and enable them to grow without being exposed to light, so that the transition to the soil is easier.

3. Sphagnum Moss - Planting the plant directly into moss will encourage strong roots, helping them acclimate faster to the soil. Takes a little more care, you need to keep the moss lightly wet.

Once the cutting have developed enough and/or long enough roots, you can transfer them into soil. You will be shown and told what to look for and how to transfer from propagation jar to soil. You can always bring them back to us as well! But it’s super fun and easy to do yourself at home!


Terms and Conditions:

Images used in this poster are for illustration only and may not be representative of the final product you make.



Join The Workshop!

Join us on Saturday November 19Th 2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM for our Propagation Station Workshop.

What is propagation? Propagation is the breeding of specimens of a plant by natural processes from the parent stock. Basically multiplying your plant! WHO DOESN’T WANT MORE PLANTS!?

During this workshop, you will walk away with three mason jars filled with your propagations / cutting.

We will have plants available for you to cut and propagate. You are also able to bring your own plants. *SO LONG AS THEY ARE CLEAN, HEALTHY AND PEST FREE*

1. Water propagation - You can root your plants in any type of water. Tap, distilled, spring water or even rain water works just fine, as long as it is the correct temperature.

2. Leca propagation - Leca and/or Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. A good alternative to just water. The pebbles will stabilize the plant, deliver more oxygen and enable them to grow without being exposed to light, so that the transition to the soil is easier.

3. Sphagnum Moss - Planting the plant directly into moss will encourage strong roots, helping them acclimate faster to the soil. Takes a little more care, you need to keep the moss lightly wet.

Once the cutting have developed enough and/or long enough roots, you can transfer them into soil. You will be shown and told what to look for and how to transfer from propagation jar to soil. You can always bring them back to us as well! But it’s super fun and easy to do yourself at home!


Terms and Conditions:

Images used in this poster are for illustration only and may not be representative of the final product you make.



Join us on Saturday November 19Th 2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM for our Propagation Station Workshop.

What is propagation? Propagation is the breeding of specimens of a plant by natural processes from the parent stock. Basically multiplying your plant! WHO DOESN’T WANT MORE PLANTS!?

During this workshop, you will walk away with three mason jars filled with your propagations / cutting.

We will have plants available for you to cut and propagate. You are also able to bring your own plants. *SO LONG AS THEY ARE CLEAN, HEALTHY AND PEST FREE*

1. Water propagation - You can root your plants in any type of water. Tap, distilled, spring water or even rain water works just fine, as long as it is the correct temperature.

2. Leca propagation - Leca and/or Lightweight Expanded Clay Aggregate. A good alternative to just water. The pebbles will stabilize the plant, deliver more oxygen and enable them to grow without being exposed to light, so that the transition to the soil is easier.

3. Sphagnum Moss - Planting the plant directly into moss will encourage strong roots, helping them acclimate faster to the soil. Takes a little more care, you need to keep the moss lightly wet.

Once the cutting have developed enough and/or long enough roots, you can transfer them into soil. You will be shown and told what to look for and how to transfer from propagation jar to soil. You can always bring them back to us as well! But it’s super fun and easy to do yourself at home!


Terms and Conditions:

Images used in this poster are for illustration only and may not be representative of the final product you make.